
Aviva Systems Biology

Friday, June 25, 2010

HIV diagnostic test

HIV infects an estimated 1 million people in the United States, with 21% of them unaware of their infection. The lack of awareness of one’s infection and possibility of infecting others makes early diagnosis a key to fighting the spread of the virus. The FDA recently approved a tool that can simultaneously detect both HIV antigens and antibodies, resulting in earlier detection than ever before. Studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that current antibody-only tests miss up to 10 percent of HIV infections in some high- risk populations because they do not detect antigens. However, Abbott's new assay detects the HIV p24 antigen, or the direct presence of HIV, allowing for diagnosis of early infections days before antibodies emerge. Antibody and antigen research continues to be at the forefront of virus detection and the fight against deadly infectious diseases.

The PSMC3IP antibody, like one sold from Aviva Systems Biology, identifies a protein which contributes to HIV-1 viral protein TAT activity and modulates the activity of proteasomes through association with PSMC3. TAT protein binding to TAR sequence of DNA accelerates transcription of the virus, and functions as an activator to gene expression. The new virus particles production increases with regulation of several other genes initiated by TAT, and a single continuous mRNA molecule is synthesized in most HIV infected cells, while mutant HIV with a mutated TAT protein synthesizes only short transcripts of varying endpoints and therefore less functionality.

Aviva Systems Biology manufactures and sells premium products including antibodies, reagents for ELISA, western blotting, and immunofluorescence, and recombinant proteins, for your research needs. Aviva has the capacity to produce 600 targets each month enabling us to provide 200 new antibodies every month to add to our growing catalog of over 8,000 antibodies. ASB produces high quality antibodies by our process of selecting more than two epitope-derived peptides for each target protein and using multiple human tissues or cell lines for testing of native expression of antigen. ASB provides a full warranty for quality of our antibodies, since they are manufactured and vigorously tested by peptide based ELISA, Western Blots, and IHC before release. Our goal is to provide you with the BEST access to high quality antibodies.

Monoclonal Antibody Therapies

Due to the specificity of monoclonal antibodies, their use for long-term treatment of viral infections is increasingly becoming a topic of research by scientists. Diseases such as Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis C are possible targets for monoclonal antibody therapy. Since a monoclonal antibody (mAB) has one specific antigen target, when administered to infected persons or organisms, they behave similarly to a vaccination and may produce long-lasting protective antiviral effects. Originally mABs were used by scientists for the direct neutralization and elimination of viruses, but more recently, with the discovery that mABs may be able to recognize cell proteins from cells infected by the virus, scientists are hopeful that full scale recovery is possible even from a possibly fatal viral infection. The ability for mABs to bind to infected cells by recognizing viral proteins on the cell membrane has been shown effective in mice, but more research must be done to see if similar, potentially life saving effects can be proven in humans.
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100611124651.htm

Aviva Systems Biology manufactures and sells premium products including antibodies, reagents for ELISA, western blotting, and immunofluorescence, and recombinant proteins, for your research needs. Aviva has the capacity to produce 600 targets each month enabling us to provide 200 new antibodies every month to add to our growing catalog of over 8,000 antibodies. ASB produces high quality antibodies by our process of selecting more than two epitope-derived peptides for each target protein and using multiple human tissues or cell lines for testing of native expression of antigen. ASB provides a full warranty for quality of our antibodies, since they are manufactured and vigorously tested by ELISA, peptide based Western Blots, and IHC before release. Our goal is to provide you with the BEST access to high quality antibodies.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Anthrax treatment

IQ Therapeutics B.V., Groningen, the Netherlands, announced this week that in collaboration with the University of Texas Medical Branch it has obtained outstanding results for the treatment of inhalation anthrax. In a rabbit model up to 100% survival could be achieved with extended time to treatment (48h post infection) with a combination of two specific monoclonal antibodies developed by IQ Therapeutics. This has significant potential for saving lives of infected people who have no immediate access to treatment.

-From news-medical.net